VR assessment is an innovative simulation exercise in which you place the candidate in a work situation as if he were there himself, for example in a team meeting. The combination of Virtual Reality with proven assessment methodology opens new perspectives for training and assessment.
With the VR assessment you quickly discover whether someone has leadership skills and insights. It is a professional and proven assessment tool, with the unique properties of Virtual Reality that really place the candidate in a work situation.
This assessment works like a Situational Judgment Test (SJT) that places a candidate in the middle of a realistic work situation. In this the candidate experiences interaction of a group of people with different roles, interests and characters. The candidate assesses the behavior, which assessment is compared to a norm group of experts.

Still from 360 VR-Assessment - Situational Judgement Test
VR assessment is a so-called Situational Judgment Test (SJT). In the literature, a number of positive characteristics are attributed to this method, such as:
High predictive value for work and learning performance (predictive validity)
Added predictive value on top of other tools (incremental validity)
Participants rate SJTs as fun, fair and relevant (impression validity)
Few score differences between majority and minority groups (adverse impact)
These beneficial properties are amplified for SJTs with video instead of text because they do not require reading skills and are more realistic. Virtual Reality goes a step further than regular video in that regard.
Research has been carried out into VR assessment itself in collaboration with Erasmus University Rotterdam. The results of this research are positive and support the reliability and validity. Moreover, evaluation research showed that VR assessment is rated by participants as fun, relevant, clear, realistic, recognizable and innovative (as can also be seen in the video with participant responses).
Visit vr-assessment.nl or contact one of our partners (see below).
VR assessment is a joint initiative of: Van der Maesen|Koch HRM advice, SLIM assessments and eelloo.

- Unique Virtual Reality experience for participants
- Simulation in group context (instead of two-way conversation)
- Based on proven assessment methodology
- Realistic and relevant job preview
- Standardized scoring
Innovative and professional - High predictive value for work and learning performance
- Participants rate the test as fun, fair and relevant